kit-bashing / input cycles (2023)

Kit-bashing/Input cycles
Performance at Museum of Human Achievement, Austin, TX

statement + breakdown

“kitbashing / input cycles” was a LIVE audience-generated pixillation stop-motion performance. The performer was a puppet to be directed by the audience via several commands on an Ipad. As commands were entered a progress bar moved arbitrarily. Through stop-motion time is slowed and action is broken down into incremental movements. Over the course of an hour+ the performer must be constantly mindful of the resulting video frames while capturing each commands. Within the set objects that contain their own “framerates” move out of sync with the capture of photos and audience members are caught moving sporadically through a mirror in the set.

Through the interaction the audience is invited to participate in the time modulation with the performer as well as exercise collective control over PROGRESS. The resulting video will become a timelapse of the interactions of collaboration and control as well as the interplay of different “framerates”.

In which ways are individual bodies and collective bodies the same? How do they move between autonomy and influences outside their boundaries? How do we control and measure progress? What can objects operating on different time scales teach us? Such as trees, insects, geology, waterways, bird migration patterns, or cyclical processes. How can reflection on the scale we use change the way we see our surroundings?

Link to this project's entry in the Museum of Human Achievement's wiki

Resulting video